Sunday, January 3, 2010

christmas eve

So here are some fun pictures of all the nelson clan - the tradition is to go bowling on christmas eve - so after cole pooped all over everything( i mean everything )and i had not a single clean clothing item for him(mostly because cole poop? ) ya those of you who dont know cole has always struggled in that department! So jeff and i dropped keslie off at lunch with everyone at the china buffet and headed to the closest place to buy clothes - so as i am shopping with cole wrapped in jeffs coat ( so WT) I luckily found a outfit for cole and was able to put them on him right there in the store! phew! Then on to bowling , we waited for almost an hour to get 2 lanes but it was lots of fun in the end!

Quincy is so funny she always is eating i mean ALWAYS!! lol!

I am so lucky to have such cute wonderful kids ! Keslie loves her baby brother and is always such a big helper!

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